Infosecurity Next-Gen Infosec
Self-Sovereign Identities to Protect Future Social Media Platforms from Hacking
The failure to do so will make the users become jittery about their privacy in the hands of the social media platforms and lose their confidence in them.
Interview: Taharka Beamon, SOC Manager, Reed Exhibitions
Infosecurity speaks to Taharka Beamon about the importance of keeping SOC staff happy and engaged in their jobs
Keeping Your Crypto Wallet Safe
A sure way to keep your crypto funds away from prying eyes and malevolent hands.
In the Wake of SIGRed, is Good-Enough DDI Still Good Enough?
The choice that large enterprises have make on whether to accept ‘good-enough’ DDI.
Ransomware Adopts a Game-Changing Blackmail Model for Information Theft
Looking at ransomware types, how they operate and utilize double blackmail schemes.
Data Protection in the Wake of Deepfakes
Should deepfakes be classified as personal data?
NCA and Immersive Labs Offer Summer Education Plan for Teens
Teens offered training at Cyber4Summer
Soft Skill Strategies for Handling Insider Threats Ethically
Soft skills allow us to build trust among staff, something a mature culture of security awareness cannot operate without.
Brazilian General Data Protection Law – Overview and Implications
Definitions, characteristics, and provisions of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law, and its implications for the privacy landscape in Brazil overall.
The Rise of Cyber-Terrorism, and the Future of its Detection
Could predictive and detection techniques be used for cyber-incidents?
VPN Won’t Keep You Safe Without a Strong SIEM By Its Side
Think VPN is keeping you safe while working from home? Think again
Stop Criminalizing Research to Enable Development
How focusing on how criminalization and lack of initiatives about risky/offending behavior impact cybersecurity negatively and limit the talent pool